All lenders, regardless of size, type or channel are impacted. We anticipate the main workforce to be impacted are your company’s decision makers, encompass admins, Loan officers, Compliance, Processors, and Underwriters.
Updates to your current workstream may need to be updated! We have the insight to provide overview into the impacts to your organization.
Introduction of the redesigned Fannie Mae 1003/ Freddie Mac 65.
Creation of the MISMO v3.4 dataset that cross references the 1003/65.
Implementation and collection of the ULAD through the GSEs’ Sparate automated underwriting systems (DU and LPA).
The URLA 2020 changes are the most dramatic this industry has seen in the last decade.
Our Mortgage knowledge and Industry insight will pave the path for URLA success for you.
We will provide solutions to the problems you will face and offer answers to the question you forget to ask.
Workflow Enhancements
Assess your current workflows and provide insight on URLA utilization within your workflows.
Site Evaluation
Analyze and provide documentation of your current Encompass environment and take inventory on all the required updates that need to be applied in order to adopt URLA 2020 successfully.
Business Rule Development
Development of business rules & automation to streamline data capture and retention while establishing accountability for a complete URLA 2020 loan. Ensure loans are disclosed correctly with the correct data so your borrowers and users can rest assured when reviewing the URLA 2020.
Pre & Post URLA
Identify Pre & Post URLA processes to assist in applying URLA to your existing pipeline and segregating the pipeline to allow Pre URLA loans to not be impacted by Post URLA changes.
Project Management
Manage the project & expectations to ensure you make your Go Live date with the utmost confidence in your staff’s ability to focus on day to day responsibilities while tackling URLA changes.
User Acceptance Testing
Scheduled meetings with your internal team to test URLA 2020 and identify where the challenges will lie for your current process & staff.
Train your users to be experts in the URLA 2020 world so they are well versed in the nuances as well as understanding the impact.